Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August Fishing

Though August is nearly over, conditions feel more like late July. Water conditions are absolutely perfect everywhere - cool nights have kept temps in check and higher than average flows have provided trout with ideal living conditions. Other than occasional carp trips, I've spent most of my time on the Yellowstone lately where pressure seems unusually light for the height of summer. Have seen few if any boats of most days though I'm sure they're out there. Most days have consisted of nymphing to start while the river warms and dry fly fishing starting somewhere around 11am. Hoppers and other attractors have been the ticket and the action seems to be getting more solid by the day.
Have also experienced some fantastic Spruce Moth fishing on some of the area's smaller mountain creeks - those who have not fished in and around Spruce Moth activity should try it - the Gallatin , Hyalite Creek, the Big Hole - all provide good options. There is a ton of great summer fishing to be had - with water conditions as they are, it would seem that we're in for a terrific September and beyond.